Ruth Lewandowski

Honest, heartfelt wines made naturally. When grapes are grown not for tonnage but with a healthy, truly whole, finished wine in mind...when one farms in tune with our natural cycles, never fighting against them...when one thinks of soil health as much as fruit quality. Then and only then are we on the path to truly living one of the most cliché phrases in wine today: "wine is made in the vineyard."

And if we've done our jobs farming the wine, we have nothing to be afraid of in the cellar. With balanced fruit and clean practices, we're afforded confidence in the balance of microbial life and that the right organisms will do the right thing and carry out this near alchemical transformation from base grape to purified liquid.


Ruth Lewandowski Wines

I've said it a thousand different ways since the beginning of Ruth Lewandowski Wines, and I think its most comprehensible to explain “Ruth” as a concept more than a living, breathing individual. A concept born out of the affiliation of my own philosophies of farming and winemaking




Monte Rio Cellars